
Achieve your dream life by working with the cosmic power in your blueprint.

Discover, align and thrive

Discover, align and thrive

Astrology x Fashion Tips.

Astrology x Fashion Tips.

Birth Chart Reading

Be free by honouring your authentic self.

Understanding the uniqueness of your birth chart helps you work with your strength in harmony.

In your 60-min consultation session, we go through your blueprint so you:

  • Discover how to untap your potential

  • Learn about hidden patterns/behavior affecting your life

  • Receive practical suggestion of constructive use of your energy

  • " It was a very personal, emotional and thought-provoking experience. During the session Ling made me feel validated and understood. But it was after the session when the mental work really started. I feel like I already understand myself so much better. I got answers to questions I didn’t even know to ask, and questions I don’t yet know the answers to. I would highly recommend Ling’s reading to anyone, she has a real talent on creating a safe and sound environment with the perfect mix of calmness and goofiness.❤️"

  • "Being new to astrology, my session with Ling helped me to better understand my strenghts as well as my sore spots in life. Ling gave me valuable insights and perspectives as well as tips on how to work with the energies. Ling is kind and compassionate and I felt safe and guided with her. Thank you Ling ❤️"

  • "Olin tosi yllättynyt miten tiesit musta niin paljon, myös ne syvimmät asiat joista on vaikea puhua tai pukea sanoiksi. Oli muutenkin tosi ihana tapaaminen. Oot valovoimainen ja aito ihminen niin oli sulle helppo puhua ja oli tosi luontevaa aattelin ennen että astrologia on vähän hömppä juttu vaikka uskoin, että jotain perää siinä saattaa vähän olla. Nyt uskon siihen jo paljon. Tulkinta antoi mulle vahvistuksen, että oikeeseen suuntaan on menossa ja sain myös työkaluja elämään."


If you are looking for insights,

get in touch
to book a personal consultation
for yourself.